Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Happy Anniversary Uncle Todd and Auntie Angela!! Posted by Hello


  • At 4/5/05 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know Gammy & Gampa are biased but little Monica *is* a cutie like Andy said.....Happy Wedding Anniversary again to Angela and Todd..
    Mum C

  • At 4/5/05 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well I thought I would give this blog thing a try and leave a comment or two. Monica is not only cute she is sooo pretty just like her mom!! (and Gammy too)! What a cute picture!

    And yes I believe in angels too and I am going to quote from my Angel Wisdom book the following: "It has been said that children are closest to the angels because they still remember them. Many believe that the reason children often have angel experiences is that they were with the angels before they were born and that their minds and souls, not yet scarred by the adult afflictions of skepticism and cynicism, are stilll receptive to their old friends." Thus I believe that is why little kids especially babies can see angels better than adults can. I also believe that everyone has a guardian angel and so I think you are right Denise. Monica is likely smiling at your guardian angel or her own. Makes you feel all warm and safe inside doesn't it? And it isn't that adults cannot have those experiences as well we just have to be more like children in some ways I guess. I personally have never really had the experience of seeing an angel but sometimes I know I have felt them.

    Oops I guess that was more than a comment or two.


  • At 5/5/05 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks Denise, but it looks like Monica is more happy that it was my birthday than our anniversary. I must stop now as I am trying to type in the dark. (The kids are sleeping}

  • At 5/5/05 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is a beautiful and very special quote on *Angels* Lynette....It does give a person a feeling of security thinking that our Guardian Angel is looking out for us even though we don`t actually see him or her....Every now and then my eye catches something whether here at work or at home...I had no known reason for noticing anything in particular then find out that I have forgotten to do something and sometimes something very, very important...I like to think that it was my Guardian Angel helping me out....*And I need all the help I can get, believe me*...I think I have typed enough!!
    It`s fun to read everyone`s comments, by the way....Good to hear from you too, Angela....
    Mum C

  • At 8/5/05 3:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I truly believe children can see their angels too! and being that Monica is one....well that says it all!


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