Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Angel on my shoulder

So, Monica has quite the little sense of humour. She's always giggling about something...sound like anyone else you know? Lately, though, she has started looking into empty space and laughing. Sometimes she'll be looking just past me and I swear she IS looking at someone and laughing. It's almost like someone is standing behind me making silly faces. They say babies and children can see angels and such. I don't know if all that is true, but it sure is a nice thought.

Well, we have a full day of just about anything we decide on. We're going to swing by grampa's office in a bit, and then we're off! Maybe we'll give Cameron a shout. Now, that you have the warning, Cameron, you can conveniently make yourself "busy"...hehe.

Ok, ok. Monica says my time is up. It's funny, she's just about 7 months, but she's already giving me the "looks" I expect to see a lot of as she approaches the dreaded teen years...sigh.

Have a great day, everyone!

-Denise & Monica

Oh yea, one more thing. Andy says that you can also select "other" when commenting and this allows you to enter your name in. You learn something new everyday!


  • At 4/5/05 1:55 PM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    I am here. Just got back from a Job Interview, which was successful...I might add(uh, I guess I already did add it, otherwise there would be blank spaces...anyhow, on that note)...

    Beautiful day today, kinda reminds of that classic million seller and a smash NUMBER ONE song by a group so famous they need not be mentionned...okay, I will mention them...she was the BEST female vocalist of her day...Karen Carpenter of THE CARPENTERS...anyways, the song I was thinking of was...TOP OF THE WORLD..."Such a feeling's coming over me, there is wonder in most everything I see...not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes...and I won't be surprised if it's a dream...I'm on the top of the world..."

    Anyhow, looking and being outside, reminds me of that song...

    Have a great day guys!!!
    And yes, I believe in angels too...although I must admit, I have never seen one that I know of...yet...but maybe one day...okay, I will quit before I start sprouting some nonsense and not make any more sense...

  • At 4/5/05 2:23 PM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    I am here. Just got back from a Job Interview, which was successful...I might add(uh, I guess I already did add it, otherwise there would be blank spaces...anyhow, on that note)...

    Beautiful day today, kinda reminds of that classic million seller and a smash NUMBER ONE song by a group so famous they need not be mentionned...okay, I will mention them...she was the BEST female vocalist of her day...Karen Carpenter of THE CARPENTERS...anyways, the song I was thinking of was...TOP OF THE WORLD..."Such a feeling's coming over me, there is wonder in most everything I see...not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes...and I won't be surprised if it's a dream...I'm on the top of the world..."

    Anyhow, looking and being outside, reminds me of that song...

    Have a great day guys!!!
    And yes, I believe in angels too...although I must admit, I have never seen one that I know of...yet...but maybe one day...okay, I will quit before I start sprouting some nonsense and not make any more sense...

    1:55 PM

  • At 4/5/05 2:24 PM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    Yikes, what did I just do...I don't know with all these new fangled computer amazes me how these little tykes can master all this technical stuff...


  • At 4/5/05 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don`t know what I am doing here...I already entered that Gammy & Grampa are biased and think little Monica is a *cutie* too like Andy said but the comment wasn`t entered in the section I thought it should be....I also wished Angela & Todd a Happy Wedding Anniversary again too.....
    Mum C


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