Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

What a great summer so far! I can't believe how beautiful and hot the weather has been for so long. I don't remember another summer like this since, geez, I was probably still in grade school...and we all know that was a LONG time ago.

It's funny, I was just talking to someone the other day about how I used to think that 30 was "sooo old..." Not so old anymore...even 60 is looking young! I know, I've got a long ways ahead of me.

Anyway, we have been making the most of this wonderful summer. The yard is pretty well complete with all the necessary outdoor activities. Of course, now I won't get any children for childcare until the winter, so accumulating indoor activities is next on the agenda. I'll get around to that in the fall, I'm thinking.

We built the new swingset last weekend. The weekend before, Monica and I were out for a bike ride and I spotted a "Little Tikes" playhouse at a garage sale. It is in PERFECT condition...not even sun faded! I got it for $65...not bad for a house that is well over $100 brand new. Add in a new sandbox, a ball pit (another garage sale item) and, you can't forget, the elephant pool...we have a pretty rockin' backyard!

Last week, Monica and I made a trip down to Swift Current to visit great (great) Aunt Cora. We had coffee and pumpkin pie at her apartment, and enjoyed a nice visit. Monica was a little on the bored side, but you can't expect too much excitement visitng a 94 (is that the right age, Mom?) year old's home. There were toys, but Monica didn't quite know what to do with "Tinker Toys".

We stayed at the Super8 Motel, so we had a chance to visit the pool a couple times.

On Friday, (great) Aunt Marilyn came in from the farm to visit. She took Monica and I to the Swift Current Library. Of course, the visit was short lived, due to Monica's behaviour. Another minute longer and I think we would have been thrown out and banned! From there, we met great (great) Uncle Oliver (Aunt Cora's brother) at the park for a picnic.

Monica and I had a great time and enjoyed visiting with family that we don't see nearly often enough. Hopefully, we'll get a chance to make it out to the farm for a little visit, before too long.

Our trip to Edmonton is fast approaching. We will be up there August 20-26. So, Andy and Cameron, if you're free, we would love a chance to visit with you.

Well, that's about it for now. Monica has been playing outside and is now watching Blue's Clues and having a snack. I'm sure we'll be heading outside, again, once her show is over. She loves being outdoors!

Take care, everyone!

-Denise & Monica


  • At 27/7/06 8:40 PM, Blogger b0rt said…

    So lets see here... You now have a sandbox, ball pit, pool, swingset and little play-house??? Why am I not hanging out at your place?!?!?!? Sounds like a blast is being had by children at your house. I think I may have to invite myself over for a play date! :)

  • At 27/7/06 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I totally agree, b0rt!

    And yes, I'll be around. I may be moving to a new place right around then, but we'll definitely find time.

  • At 28/7/06 4:51 AM, Blogger Denise said…

    You are always welcome, b0rt. Let me know ahead of time and I can have some fresh baking for you. Come over for a BBQ!!

    So, you got evicted again, huh Andy?! tsk tsk...

  • At 28/7/06 9:59 AM, Blogger b0rt said…

    Awesome Denise! I just may have to take you up on that sometime soon. Indeed...

    I have to say, your totally a "mom" now ;) The whole having fresh baking thing really did it for me hehe ;)

  • At 28/7/06 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's all those crazy wild parties I throw. You know how I can be....

  • At 29/7/06 2:53 AM, Blogger Fran said…

    Hi Denise
    It's so nice to see wee Monica and the updates as I just haven't been able to see you guys.
    Seeing your little tike house here, Jenna is FINALLY willing to see her Little tike doll house ( which is ohhhh just about as big as your tike house too, as well as other toys and YESSSS LOTS of barbies if you and Roy are intrested, just let me know.
    I hope to see the three of you soon.... life is just SO busy huh?!Talk soon.....

  • At 29/7/06 2:56 AM, Blogger Fran said…

    Typo... SELL....giggle not see.....oops

  • At 29/7/06 6:58 AM, Blogger Denise said…

    FRAN!!! Cool...hi!

    I would love Barbie stuff, but I'm not sure where to put it right now...but, don't get rid of it just yet! have to come over and play in our mean...have a BBQ!

  • At 30/7/06 2:36 PM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    Hi Denise,
    I am not in Edmonton, but in Banff. I have been here for 4 days. It would have been fun to see you, but if it doesn't pan out here, I will be in Edmonton around then, I would guess.

    PS. You are as young as you feel! As the saying goes, "We've Only Just Begun to live...."


  • At 31/7/06 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I didn`t realize you had updated the blog, Denise. Great pictures of *wee* Monica as Fran said. You must have a bit of Scots in you Fran!
    I laughed at Denise accusing you, Andy, of being evicted.
    Yes, Denise, Aunt Cora is 94yrs young and can still climb the two flights stairs at her apartment!!
    Mum C (Gammy)

  • At 31/7/06 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry Denise...Meant to comment on Monica`s play area. Very impressive! The swing set looks good and she is obviously enjoying it.

    I guess the Rolling Stones` tickets completely sold out in 10 mins. this morning..But even the Rolling Stones or the Beatles or the Beejees wouldn`t get me to attend the concert for fear it poured. Weird, but that is how it is. Now if the concert had been inside somewhere which I realize is impossible, well I would have gone for sure. Can still hear my Mum when she first saw the Rolling Stones on TV around 1966`ish.. She uttered Tut, tut, tut! Was not impressed. The Beatles she thought, were at least clean-cut..
    Mum C

  • At 2/9/06 10:06 AM, Blogger Jane said…

    Heeeeey...where's the update?! ;)


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