Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Summer is here...let the adventures begin!

Well, here we all are again! Thanks for checking in with us. Also, thanks for all the comments. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to see my comment count reach 10 and higher! Ok, even 2 gives me chills.

So, it appears that summer has arrived. Well, for this week, anyway. We have been enjoying getting out for our walks, bike rides and visits to the playgrounds. We made a trip out to the Rick Hansen Optimist Park this weekend, and I had no clue exactly how good of a little waterpark they have. Monica got soaked...drenched...she was sopping wet. We had to strip her down and take her home in only a diaper. Luckily, it was a hot day and once the wet clothes were off, she warmed up quickly. We do have pictures, so they will make an appearance on here, soon.

On Sunday, Monica tried out the sprinkler in the backyard. She wasn't too keen on it at first, but then she got the hang of it and thoroughly enjoyed herself. This time she was wearing a bathing suit, so she didn't have the wet and sticky clothes to contend with.

Today, we hung out with John, Levi and Isaac. We went for a long, hot walk to 7-Eleven for slurpees, ice cream and a creamsicle. Then we went for an even longer, hotter walk to Bumpa's office. Then we walked back to Auntie Angela's house and hung out in the backyard. Again, Monica ended up soaked after jumping into their little pool. This time, I was smart. I brought a change of clothes!

Tomorrow, we are heading out to the beach with Auntie Angela and the boys. Hopefully, we can break our pattern of choosing supposedly beautiful days to go...only to get there and be greeted with clouds, cool winds and rain!

I think on Thursday, we will make a trip back to the Rick Hansen waterpark area with the boys. It's supposed to be 34C. Maybe I'll even get in on the fun!

I am continuing to expand my business ventures. My referral business is going well (I received another pay cheque today!), but like all businesses it does take time to build. So, I have decided to try out some home childcare, as well. I put out a few ads last night and have gotten a couple responses already. I'm really only thinking along the lines of 2-3 children around the age of 2-5 years. I figure this should be good for Monica, as she really doesn't have many children around her age to play with. Plus, it will be some extra cash for me and will, undoubtedly, give me an actual reason to dye my hair! So, if you know anyone who is looking for some home childcare...give 'em my name!

Well, I suppose that's all for now. Monica is fast asleep...I assume. I'm scared to check! She has been doing very well the past few days with going to bed with "Bear" and falling asleep with only him beside her. She has even been doing this for nap times! This is a huge success for her and a huge relief for me. It is incredible the amount of energy and effort that has gone into my getting Monica to sleep and to stay asleep, since she was born.

Anyway, I have some laundry to fold and I want to catch the news. I have no idea what is going on in my city let alone the country or the world...maybe I'm better off not knowing!

Have a great week, everyone!

-Denise & Monica


  • At 28/6/06 1:02 PM, Blogger Megan said…

    WOW! Monica is so big now! I think I say that every few months, don't I? That is fantastic that she is starting to sleep on her own! I wish I was there to see Monica playing at the waterpark. It sounds like she has lots of fun. Glad to hear things are going good with the business and good luck with the child care thing. I wish I knew some people with young children, but I can't think of any right now. Say hi to everyone for me! ttyl

  • At 30/6/06 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice to read your comments Megan. Hope all is still well with you.
    Great pics Denise! I agree, Monica just loves Bear. Was good to see you both yesterday.
    Mum C (Gammy)

  • At 30/6/06 2:51 PM, Blogger Denise said…

    Thanks for the comments, you two...BUT...where have all of you other commentors gone???

    I was hoping for another record breaking response to this blog posting. Ok, ok, ok...I know it isn't the most interesting post, but have any of them been really all that interesting?

  • At 1/7/06 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No ;-)

    Well, you see, you said an awful lot in this post, so ... uh ... I figured anything I could add would just take away from your literary masterpiece! Yeah! Yeah, that's it!

    Or I was just too lazy. One of the two. :-)

  • At 2/7/06 10:21 PM, Blogger b0rt said…

    I'll post to yours if you post to mine! Sounds naughty! *wink* :)

  • At 2/7/06 10:32 PM, Blogger Denise said…

    I have posted to yours and I will again, if you update it!

    Hey...we were at Regina Beach today and Roy said he saw Brett and Dan McCann...and some other guy...was it you?

  • At 3/7/06 1:34 PM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    Hi Dee,
    Check out my photo on my BLOG.


  • At 3/7/06 1:47 PM, Blogger b0rt said…

    Nope it wasn't me. Dan McCann is getting married next Saturday and Brett is his best man, so thats why he's down from Toronto. As for the other guy, I was thinking it was maybe Chris Mamer, but he was on a fishing trip, but maybe was back... I dunno, I'll have to find out!

    Oh, and I did update the blog not too long ago. Due to the date being 06/06/06 I had to write something. Its titled - 666 and the last revelation of Bortadamus: The Beerpocalypse.

    Its a fantastic read :)

  • At 3/7/06 1:48 PM, Blogger b0rt said…

    Ok... I completely forgot that you posted lol... I'll shut up now!

  • At 3/7/06 8:47 PM, Blogger Denise said…

    yea... I think that might be for the best...*snicker*

    Oh, and I now know who that "anonymous" commentor was on my last post. Now, I think everyone should try to guess who it was!

  • At 4/7/06 11:07 AM, Blogger Megan said…

    ohhh! Denise you are all the way up to 10 comments on this post! You are the blog-comment-queen! I think the most I have ever had is 6, and that's only because you commented 4 times! oh well


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