Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

So, really not a whole heck of a lot new to report. As pictured above, I just got back from the hair salon. This is probably about the height of the excitement around here, today.

Monica is sleeping, it's raining outside, so here I am....

Well, I'm getting ready for a busy summer ahead. Myself and two of the other ladies I sing with, will begin practicing this week for a wedding on June 17th. I'm looking foward to it, but sometimes it just seems like one more task to add to my never ending list!

Next weekend, I've agreed to head back up music for the Live-in Christ weekend. This, too, I'm looking forward to, but, again, it is one more thing to add onto the list. It will be interesting scheduling Monica's days around the live-in schedule, but I don't think it will be too bad. It will be nice to get out there and lead some music, again. Although, I've enjoyed not having the responsibilty over the past few years, it will be nice to give it a whirl.

Other than that, we have a family reunion coming up, little trips here and there, work, regular daily life (which is hectic in itself!) and, can't wait for this, another trip out to Edmonton in August!!!! This will be the highlight of the summer for Monica and I. We had such a great time last year...this year will be even better as Todd, Angela, John, Levi and Isaac will be joining in on the fun! I can't wait....

And with that, I'm going to make the most of what is left of Monica's nap and have a lie down on the couch. Monica decided to not sleep between the hours of 1:00AM and 5:00AM, this morning, so I am very tired! Actually, she has been making a habit of this night time ritual for the past week...I can only hope that this latest phase will pass quickly!

Take care!

-Denise & Monica

* Oh yea!!! I can't believe I forgot to add this...Congratulations to Andy and Jane on their, much anticipated, engagement. Hey Andy, I think I've proven myself to be a pretty decent secret keeper...I couldn't have held out much longer, though!


  • At 27/5/06 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks Denise! Well done. And Jane even managed to convince me to update my site again. I think a pig just flew past my window....

  • At 27/5/06 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, congratulations to you and Jane, Andy!
    More good additions to your blog Denise. The photos of you and Monica are just terrific.
    See you tomorrow.
    Mum C (Gammy)

  • At 28/5/06 9:43 AM, Blogger Jane said…

    Hey Denise! Those pictures of Monica are really cute; I love the looks she's giving you :D. Thanks for the congrats!

  • At 28/5/06 10:38 AM, Blogger b0rt said…

    A few things to note:

    1) Cute pics. I like the last one of Monica, because it looks like she's smug and trying to say "yeah, I'm eating this banana, what of it!". Its funny heh.

    2) You guys seem to be doing well even though I'm not there anymore. You all miss me yet? :) You should plan a bbq and invite me, I'll even bring something this time!

    3) Andy is getting married? WHA? I've been out of the loop waaaay to long... It's been a few years since I've seen you Andy, and it sounds like lots has changed. Now unless your some other bizaro world Andy that looks like the Andy I know, I thought you were becoming a priest? Interesting. If you are and that was a touchy subject, sorry, I didn't know. But perhaps I'll see you sometime and we can chat!

  • At 28/5/06 5:48 PM, Blogger Denise said…'re funny and, yes, we miss you...well, I do anyway. I shouldn't speak for everyone!

  • At 28/5/06 10:35 PM, Blogger b0rt said…

    Thanks Denise. I was pretty confident in the fact that I bring hilarity to the masses, but I appreciate the true confirmation of it ยง:-)

    Say hi to everyone at Holy Trinity for me. BTW, is Fr. Paul back yet?

  • At 29/5/06 11:00 AM, Blogger Denise said…

    Fr. Paul won't be coming back. I won't say on here why, but if you want to me. I can't find your email address in my address book. I swear I didn't delete just disappeared!

  • At 29/5/06 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Denise,

    Monica is such cutie-pie! And bananas are good, I understand y she like them so much. I'm looking forward to this wedding practicing too, though I agree, it is one more thing to add to an already long list. BBQ sounds good, potato salad anyone???


  • At 3/6/06 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Jason! Nope, it's not a touchy subject. Last year I realized I really wasn't happy with thoughts of being a priest. The more I looked at it and prayed about it, the more I felt called to some sort of lay ministry instead. So I left the seminary last October. Jane and I've been dating since then.

  • At 6/6/06 11:42 PM, Blogger b0rt said…

    Awesome, well congratulations are in order sir! Glad everything is working out for you.

  • At 9/6/06 11:57 AM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    Hi DENISE,
    I wrote something on my come and check it out...


  • At 11/6/06 2:13 AM, Blogger Megan said…


  • At 12/6/06 5:00 PM, Blogger Denise said…

    THANKS MEGAN!!!!!!!

  • At 13/6/06 6:22 PM, Blogger b0rt said…

    Its your birthday Denise?!?!? Well happy friggen birthday then! :) Bortadamus predicts you will have a fantastical evening comprised of food, drinks, food, cake, food, good company, food, presents, food, uhhh cake, and food. Hmmm.... Methinks Bortadamus should attend this food faring festival! Ok, no more alliteration I promise ;)

  • At 13/6/06 10:52 PM, Blogger Denise said…

    Ummm...there wasn't nearly as much food as you predicted, but pretty much everything else you nailed!

    Except, you missed predicting a trip to the Temple Garden Mineral Spa!!! Now that, my good friend, was awesome. Ah...relaxation. Well, as much relaxation as I can get chasing after Monica. Still very worth it!

    Thank you very much for the "happy friggen birthday"!

  • At 18/6/06 1:45 AM, Blogger b0rt said…

    haha anytime :)


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