I have got to get my camera back!
Ok, so we all know about my camera woes. If you are among the chosen few who don't...visit the archives and read any of my entries from 2005!
So, I've taken a liking to the camera on my cell phone. It's handy, takes decent quality pictures (good enough for what I use them for) and I always have it on me. Well, I've never claimed to be brilliant...I'm intelligent (well, I know stuff), but I don't always catch on at top speed. With this in mind, I finally, after a few months of using this camera phone, discovered I could email the pictures to myself and post them on my blog! Yay...pictures of Princess Monica finally make their way back on to the internet....
Well, I get this month's friendly SasktelMobility bill and...here it comes...it is 3 times the size of any other bill I have ever received!!! OK, all you smarty-pants out there. I know I'm just giving you all reason to sit and shake your heads, but I had no idea I was being charged for each individual picture I sent to myself!
This all being true, I will not be posting so many pictures until I can retrieve the camera I was originally not using because it never worked. Ok, that made sense to me, and that's all that matters!
Therefore picture, if you will, this past weekend. My __ birthday! A trip to Moose Jaw and the Western Development Museum. I took a few very good pictures of Monica sitting in a 50c jallopy (old car) in the foyer of the museum. She was laughing and squealing. Perfect camera op! Next, I took a great picture of her in an early 1900's truck/car deal. Again, very cute.
Next followed a visit to the Mineral Spa. No pictures transpired, but we had so much fun. We went in the pool and Monica loved being able to swim outside in the rain, in her bathing suit and splash around in the biggest "puddle" ever!
On Sunday, we spent the afternoon at Gammy and Bumpa's. Monica enjoyed playing with her cousins and I enjoyed celebrating my birthday over donuts and tea. Yum! In the evening, I think we must have "crashed", as I cannot seem to recall anything else from this point on....
And, so , what are we up to next? Well, I am singing at a wedding with Lynette and Lisa on Saturday. Then, in a couple of weeks, it is off to Cabri, Sk. for the Culham Reunion! I'm still looking "way" forward to our trip to Edmonton, but that is still a ways off.
Well, I just thought I would share my disbelief, shock and horror at SasktelMobility and their hidden charges. I'm sure it isn't hidden...I just chose not to look for it, but still!
Let this be a warning to you all...if something is too good and too easy...it probably is!
-Denise & Monica
So, I've taken a liking to the camera on my cell phone. It's handy, takes decent quality pictures (good enough for what I use them for) and I always have it on me. Well, I've never claimed to be brilliant...I'm intelligent (well, I know stuff), but I don't always catch on at top speed. With this in mind, I finally, after a few months of using this camera phone, discovered I could email the pictures to myself and post them on my blog! Yay...pictures of Princess Monica finally make their way back on to the internet....
Well, I get this month's friendly SasktelMobility bill and...here it comes...it is 3 times the size of any other bill I have ever received!!! OK, all you smarty-pants out there. I know I'm just giving you all reason to sit and shake your heads, but I had no idea I was being charged for each individual picture I sent to myself!
This all being true, I will not be posting so many pictures until I can retrieve the camera I was originally not using because it never worked. Ok, that made sense to me, and that's all that matters!
Therefore picture, if you will, this past weekend. My __ birthday! A trip to Moose Jaw and the Western Development Museum. I took a few very good pictures of Monica sitting in a 50c jallopy (old car) in the foyer of the museum. She was laughing and squealing. Perfect camera op! Next, I took a great picture of her in an early 1900's truck/car deal. Again, very cute.
Next followed a visit to the Mineral Spa. No pictures transpired, but we had so much fun. We went in the pool and Monica loved being able to swim outside in the rain, in her bathing suit and splash around in the biggest "puddle" ever!
On Sunday, we spent the afternoon at Gammy and Bumpa's. Monica enjoyed playing with her cousins and I enjoyed celebrating my birthday over donuts and tea. Yum! In the evening, I think we must have "crashed", as I cannot seem to recall anything else from this point on....
And, so , what are we up to next? Well, I am singing at a wedding with Lynette and Lisa on Saturday. Then, in a couple of weeks, it is off to Cabri, Sk. for the Culham Reunion! I'm still looking "way" forward to our trip to Edmonton, but that is still a ways off.
Well, I just thought I would share my disbelief, shock and horror at SasktelMobility and their hidden charges. I'm sure it isn't hidden...I just chose not to look for it, but still!
Let this be a warning to you all...if something is too good and too easy...it probably is!
-Denise & Monica
At 13/6/06 11:39 PM, Jane said…
That's too bad about the nasty bill!!! I love my camera phone, but, like you now, I don't use it too often. it's .25 cents to send an email with pictures to me (each email thing from the phone holds about 3 pictures). They're handy things though!
And happy __ birthday!!!! Andy's shaking his head. He forgot. I'm glad you had a good time!!!
At 13/6/06 11:42 PM, Anonymous said…
Oh, Denise! I missed your birthday! Sorry!!!
My Bell Mobility bill got me that way recently too. Apparently they're being helpful for charging me $0.50/picture sent, and then an additional $51/MB for the size of the pictures. And now I know that that they offer a $5-for-unlimited. So... $51 for 1 MB, or $5 for unlimited??? Jerks. Anyway, SaskTel might have something similar.
Happy late birthday!
(P.S. You're gettin' old, girl.)
At 13/6/06 11:45 PM, Denise said…
Yep...and you're getting old right behind me.
Maybe Jane can help us in our old age! I'll bet she's too young and hip to bother. Your day will come, Jane...your day will come...
At 13/6/06 11:51 PM, Anonymous said…
Hey Denise - what's your email?
At 14/6/06 12:09 AM, Denise said…
Hey anonymous - who are you?
At 14/6/06 7:52 PM, Jane said…
Yeah, I suppose I -could- help you two feel younger, but honestly, could you keep up?! I mean, Andy's taking a plunge moving here, so I suppose that just means that you need to move here too, Denise. Gotta live the California life for awhile (um, apparently). Though I must say Denise, the blonde streaks/dye is a very 'young' thing to do (just don't say it's to cover the grey ;)
And Andy, wear blue jeans. :D.
At 14/6/06 8:02 PM, Denise said…
Well, I can't see us moving to California, but we may have to visit.
I just about spit out my water when you said, "Andy, wear blue jeans."
Believe it or not, I remember a time, long long ago, when Andy wore a pair of jeans. He may have even worn a couple different pairs, I'm not sure. I might even have a picture. If I find one, I'll post it! If I remember correctly, the cuffs were rolled. You know the Richie Cunningham look? Yea...it was cool...:P
Teehee...Andy is so fun to tease. Who needs a brother?? :D
At 14/6/06 11:03 PM, Anonymous said…
At 15/6/06 8:24 AM, H said…
But it's even more fun when he -is- your brother :D
At 15/6/06 10:32 AM, Denise said…
Yea, but I'm sure the novelty eventually wears off...oh, who am I kidding? We're talking about Andy...:P
P.S. Welcome to my blog Heather. Hehehe...now I've got you and Jane! Better watch out Andy...*snicker* muwahahaha...
At 15/6/06 10:09 PM, Anonymous said…
Someone from a long time ago who wants to say hi. :)
At 16/6/06 8:34 AM, Denise said…
Well, I'm not going to post my email address on here...so, better let me know who you are.
At 16/6/06 11:29 AM, Cameron83 said…
It's the ghost of Karen Carpenter...speaking of Karen Carpenter, boy it sure was fun to go on a mini road trip to Balcarres to go to the LIVE IN bus, and sing along to the oldies but goodies, of The Carpenters! We sang to Superstar, Please Mr Postman, A Kind of Hush, All You get From Love is a Love Song...and many other memorable hits, right Denise? tee hee hee...I've said it before, Denise amazes me that she knows all the lead vocals and all the many different harmony vocals that Karen Carpenter sang...which shows she is a HUGE Karen Carpenter (underground) fan...I am proud of you Denise!!
At 16/6/06 11:37 AM, Denise said…
Who is this "Cameron" who insists on continually posting untruths and attempts to destroy my reputation as a musician with exceptionally musical tastes???
Further to this, if you truly are a Karen Carpenter fan and claim to know so much about the group...you would know that she was a polished trumpet player. None of your postings have ever made reference to this little known fact....teehee.
Wait, I think I may have just proven the previous point that I was attempting to deny...ummm....so, yea...who is this "Cameron"??
At 18/6/06 1:51 AM, b0rt said…
Once again, hope you had a "happy friggen birthday!".
Oh, about that camera bill. Last year at Brett and Flannery Salkelds wedding, we broadcast the wedding over the internet to Flan's dad out of town and the ONLY way we could connect to the net was through Alvil's phone (trust me, we explored EVERY option including stealing internet but this was the only way). So we video taped the wedding live to a laptop connected to the net via a cell phone and broadcasted it. Well... Those little "hidden charges" cost that movie production $1,200! So I know how bad they can be, however chances are others we know, like Al, have experienced higher lol
Oh, and by the way, Al didn't have to pay for it. It was taken care of, but he sure just about died of anxiety haha
At 18/6/06 8:42 AM, Denise said…
Yikes! Well, I guess I should count myself lucky that I got that bill before I sent all of the pictures on my phone to my email. I have about 110 pictures on my phone right now...well, about 50 are ones that Monica has taken of the floor or her feet!
Oh yea...and I know a secret...it's a very exciting secret. However, I am not permitted to disclose it at this time....but I will if you ask!
That would still count as keeping a secret...right, Andy?
At 18/6/06 8:46 AM, Denise said…
Oh yea...the secret has nothing to do with Andy. He just knows how extraordinarily good I am at keeping secrets. I could take it up as a career!
At 18/6/06 10:57 PM, b0rt said…
You can't just say "I have a secret" and then not tell anyone... I'm emailing you right now! lol
At 19/6/06 7:19 PM, Denise said…
Back to Cameron's comment a ways up there...our "mini road trip" was to Balgonie not Balcarres, silly.
Hey...are you still in town for a few days, Cam? If so, give us a dingle. Also, if you've got a writable CD, I can get that CD burnt for you. I can't seem to find one that will play off of my computer. Although, I have done it before!
At 26/6/06 7:05 AM, Anonymous said…
Perhaps the secret as to my identity...
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