Well, hello to everyone! Apparently moving has not made any difference in the frequency of my blog postings. Furthermore, I have forgotten, numerous times, to bring the camera back from Grammy's and Grampa's house. So, I have no new pictures to post. I will take some of halloween night and Monica's costume. What will she dress up as, I wonder??
Monica and I have been keeping very busy. Of course, the battles continue surrounding naps. She has now found it quite beneficial to have screaming, and I do mean SCREAMING, temper tantrums for about 5 - 40 minutes prior to, pretty well, all of her naps. She is still only making it half an hour, on average, without me with her and then she fusses through the rest of the day because she is sooo tired. I'm pretty much at my wits end about this. I was hoping for her to just be like this during the first couple weeks, while she transitions to this new way of napping, but we are now going on 4 weeks. All I can say is that I dread nap time.
Other than that, which consumes a huge chunk of our days, we have been doing some minor home improvements. This is mainly because I am a perfectionist, to a fault. I have touched up the trim around the house. I changed all of the interior door knobs (I was getting sick of the paint slathered ones that were there). As well, I also changed all of the light switch plates and outlet plates (for the same reason). We have a new bathroom theme of rubber ducks going. Monica loves this new decor. Plus, I have finished hanging pictures...well, until I change my mind or find something else. Actually, I lied, I just ordered some neat photography artwork for the bathroom.
Yesterday, Monica and I received a "surprise" package in the mail. Someone out there (Aunt Elaine) knows we love socks. Well, Monica could do without them, but I'm working on her. Anyway, we received socks for both of us (a halloween pair for me) staright from Edmonton. Yippee! I love surprises almost as much as I love socks and, of course, shoes.
Well, that about sums things up for us. I am suffering from strep throat, right now. Yes, Shauna, after I said I would not be going through the pain of it again, I am. Did you send it to me through email? I know, I know, not possible. It started with a fever yesterday morning and than, shortly after returning from the doctor who delivered the much anticipated diagnosis, the sore throat began. No, sore does not describe the excruciating pain of swallowing razor blades. If you've had it, you know. Monica began running a fever last night, but so far she does not appear to be in much pain. I did take her to the doctor who gave me a Rx for her, just in case.
Okidoke...Monica and I are going to bed, whether she wants to or not. We hope everyone is having a great weekend. If anyone is "trick or treating" on Monday, we have lots of candy. I mean LOTS!!!
- Denise & Monica
note: I just made a minor adjustment to the comment portion of the site. I have not been invaded as much as other friends who also blog, but I get enough anonymous (legitimately anonymous) entries to make it annoying. So, I have added a word verification which means, after you type a comment and prepare to post it, you will be asked to type in the letters that appear below the comment box. Something tells me that, at least, 1 person will be confused by this.