Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Long update!!!

I can see all of you jumping up and down in excitement. Yes, Monica and I are still around and here we are with an update.

So, we are moved in and settled in our new home. We both love it! Monica has reacted very positively to the move, which I was concerned about, but she seemed to settle immediately. Our townhouse has been fully renovated in the last few years, so it is (this one, anyway) in pretty near perfect shape. I have done a few touch ups on the trim, but nothing major. All in all, it's a very nice place to live!

We celebrated the big 1 year birthday for Monica this past weekend. I can't believe how fast this year has gone! She had so much fun in Saskatoon with her cousins (and Auntie and Uncle, Grammy and Grandpa). We made trips to the hotel pool, as well as the wave pool at the Lawson Heights Leisure Centre.

Of course, as you can see in the pictures and video I have included, Monica is walking, walking,, make that running! She got a lot of practise chasing John and Levi through the hallways of the Sheraton Hotel, in Saskatoon. I think I'm going to rent those nephews of mine. They sure keep Monica amused!

Other than that, we have been so busy that I can't think of everything. So busy, in fact, that I didn't get a chance to send birthday wishes to Brian on the 11th. Sorry, Brian, but Happy Birthday!'s the 13th...the day I always end up wishing you a Happy Birthday! At least I'm consistent! However, I did realize in August that I missed your's and Leanne's anniversary for the first time in 4 years! I'll try better next year. I'm sure you had a wonderful anniversary.

So, this update is taking me a long time. I have so many pictures to post, so I'm going to cut the news portion short...err...yea! Below I'm posting pictures of our new home. Everyone is welcome to stop by anytime they want (except for...well, you know who you are... :P). Just let us know beforehand!

Hope you're all doing well!

-Denise & Monica


  • At 13/10/05 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, I know who I am, but that's still not going to stop me! :-D

    I can't believe how well Monica gets up and walks. Holy schlamoly!

    Sorry I missed her birthday. I did keep intending over the last week to check and see which day was her birthday, but, well, you know, stuff happened, and things were going on, and I just plain forgot. Repeatedly. Oops. Sorry.

    Anyway, that's that. I expect I'll be putting a little update on my site sometime in the next few days. I know that it's rather soon for another update (less than my usual six months), but hey, stranger things have (probably) happened.

    See you soon!


  • At 13/10/05 11:31 PM, Blogger Brian Dechief said…

    Hi. Monica sure can walk, cool. Thanks for the b-day wish...I'm used to late birthday wishes anyway, so no biggie!

    B & L

  • At 14/10/05 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Denise/Monica!
    Happy Birthday Monica!!
    Thanks for the update the pictures are great of Monica's 1st birthday and also of your new home - I will come visit sometime soon and check out that playroom. You two have a good weekend.


  • At 14/10/05 3:20 PM, Blogger Denise said…

    We look forward to any and all visitors. Yes, even Andy. I have the place fully baby/Andy proofed...hehehe!

  • At 14/10/05 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ooh! That sounds like a challenge!

  • At 14/10/05 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Denise and Monica,
    Your new place looks awesome! You sure did a wonderful job decorating, especially the Winnie the Pooh stuff. So cute! And Monica looks so cute walking, she sure can move pretty fast!



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