Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Monday, August 08, 2005

We're baa-aa--aa--ck!

Yup, we've returned from our trip to Edmonton, and we had a great time! The drive up was long, but we stopped in North Battleford for the night, coming and going, so that broke it up a bit. Also, thanks to the DVD player that Grampa got for us, it made the trip a bit more enjoyable for Monica. She brought along her favorite Sesame Street DVD to watch and watch it, she did. I think Grammy and I can recite every word of that show perfectly.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we stayed at the Fantasyland Hotel, which was awesome! We didn't have a theme room, but we had a huge corner room, so Monica had lots of room to roam around. Of course, we spent a lot of time in the West Edmonton Mall and spent too much money, but, hey, we had fun. Monica and I also loved the wave pool. Each time Monica would see a wave approaching, she would start clapping in anticipation. I must say, though, those waves are pretty powerful and it was hard to hold Monica and I up for each one.

No visit to Edmonton would be complete without a visit with our relatives and (you knew it was coming) an excursion to IKEA. We accomplished both of these. We enjoyed visits with Uncle Ron, Aunt Elaine, cousins Lloyd (Marsha), Lyle (Judy), Shawna (Rick), Steven, Keith (and baby Koda (sp???)), Dan, Brenna and Leanne. Did I miss anyone? Monica loved playing with Brenna and Leanne. She even ventured out onto the grass and found that it wasn't that bad after all. Yay, Monica!!!!

In closing, I'm pleased to announce that I survived driving in Edmonton. I find it to be a very confusing city. A lot of the time, I was following behind Grampa (yelling out directions, that he could not hear), but we did have some opportunities to go it alone. I know Edmonton pretty well, but I just don't like the road systems and traffic. It was amusing following behind Grampa, who was trying to figure out where he was going as he went, resulting in a few almost missed turns and one red light being driven through. Grammy, Monica and I had a good chuckle over that one. However, I did miss our hotel, both times, in NorthBattleford. I can't be "perfect" all of the time.

Well, Monica has been sitting, quietly, at the doorway for the past 5 minutes looking very bored. So, I better finish this up. We hope everyone had a good week, or so. Talk to you soon!

-Denise and Monica


  • At 8/8/05 10:00 AM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    Oh I am soooo glad you guys had a great time in Edmonton. The city of champions...which explains why I am here, and my family is there. Anyhooo, I must also add, I worked at the Waterpark in West Edmonton Mall for one day, and didn't like it. All I did was clean chairs, floor etc. I quit. This was in November 2003 when I moved there for 3 months. Nice pics too. Glad you enjoyed yourself.

  • At 8/8/05 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The pictures look good Denise....Yes, we all sure had a great time at the hotel and the mall..It was good to see Ron, Elaine and family again and we are so grateful to them for having us over two nights in a row for scrumptious BBQ`s and needless to say their company was the best....Along with our other relatives..
    Have a good day and see you both later..
    Mum (Gammy)

  • At 8/8/05 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just saw the additional pictures...They are good too Denise...
    See you both later..

  • At 12/8/05 2:59 PM, Blogger Brian Dechief said…

    Yeah, cool Edmonton pics. Y'know, Monica must automatically smile whenever she sees a camera, right? Cu-u-u-ute (Leanne thinks so, too). Anyhoo, thanks for your compliments on my first half-decent blog was the only interesting thing for me to publish, as of late!

    We hope you guys are having a great summer, too!

    B & L


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