Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Friday, June 24, 2005

So, it's official...I AM an idiot!

Ok, I've done this before, but apparently I did not learn my lesson the first time.

I remember a few years back, while living on Broder Street, I was on my way out the door and, for whatever reason, I decided it would be a pain to carry keys with me. SO, in all my brilliance, I decided to just lock the handle lock, instead of the dead bolt. This way I wouldn't need my keys to lock the door. Anyone else see a problem here? I guess I wasn't planning on ever unlocking the door handle to let myself back into the house.

WELL...this morning, Monica and I are on our way out for a walk. I, again in my extraordinary brilliance, this time decide I could leave my keys in the garage. Of course, I would lock the door so as to ensure the safety of my, oh so important, but a pain to carry, keys. Yup, I know. I'm shaking my head, as well. So, how did I get myself out of this jam? Well, it wasn't easy, but I did manage to get back into the garage.

Monica, during this whole ordeal, sat in her stroller looking at me with worried amazement. She knew exactly what I was doing and, I'm sure, if she could talk none of that would have happened. I think it's safe to say that she is learning very quickly what not to do in every situation. I am the best teacher of what not to do. Second only to Grammy who seems to get into more jams than I, but I'm assuming this comes with age, so I'm sure I'll be a pro like her one day...tee hee!

We had a good appointment with the Occupational Therapist today. Now, I need to look into getting a further referral to continue therapy at the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. The Developmental Assessment Clinic at the General only does short term therapy, but Wascana Rehab does longer term treatment. Monica is slowly coming around, but she clearly, or I guess, I clearly need further help in working with her. She had an episode at the appointment today, almost like a panic attack, which the O.T. couldn't bring her out of, but I, as usual, had the magic touch and she instantly calmed with my physical contact. She needs to learn to cope with the world on her own and I need to continue to assist her in learning her own calming behaviours. We'll get there, baby girl. Don't worry.

In closing, I apologize for, once again, making the bold statement in my last post that it was now shorts wearing weather. I need to stop making such announcements on here. No good comes of it. It's crazy how quickly the weather changes as soon as I comment on it. I vow never to mention the weather again!

Have a great weekend, everyone! This weekend is the season opener for the Riders, so I know everyone will be following the game. In which case, someone can let me know how it turns out. I have my predictions, but I'll keep them to myself.

-Denise & Monica


  • At 26/6/05 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well Denise don't feel so bad about your keys. Once I locked the door to my car with the keys in the ignition and the car running and my son, Ryan inside - he was about 3 or 4 months old I think. Anyways it is amazing what adrenalin and the safety of your child can do to help a person out of a jam. I was able to open the door using a coat hanger quite quickly thank goodness. Plus I think it was cold out at the time which made me work faster too. And I have done this a few times since (not with anyone in the car though). It seems that one never quite learns from their stupidity either that or the lesson has to be reenforced - I am not quite sure which.

    I also had another dah episode the other day which I decided not to share on your blog (it is similar to the ice cream cake in the fridge story if you remember that one.) But just so you know you are not alone in your idiocy as we all do stupid things from time to time - it keeps life interesting. :)


  • At 26/6/05 10:56 AM, Blogger Denise said…

    I knew I could count on Lynette to make me feel less stupid. It's nice to share this trait of idiocy with someone else. Nice to know I'm not alone out there...:)

  • At 26/6/05 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I still hold the gold medal though on this subject unfortunately, ha! ha!
    Mum C

  • At 27/6/05 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Denise/Monica: Happy Monday to you both and if you already left for your walk I hope you took your keys (now how heavy are they to carry!!) just kidding.
    Better tell your Mom to enjoy that gold medal, because there are others in the running (including me) I have locked my keys in the car a few times - Earl has come to my resuce.

    Hope you guys have a good day/week and maybe get to the pool again.
    Keep up the good work on your blog I sure enjoy reading it and looking at the pictures.


  • At 27/6/05 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, I was reading over the comments again and remember the time we had company over for dinner...We were having strawberries and cool whip for dessert and the fridge was stacked full so in my *wisdom??* I had the tub of margarine balancing on top of something else...Dessert time came...I go to the fridge to get the bowl of cool whip to find to my horror that the tub of margarine had fallen into the cool whip...Yikes, I almost had a fit and was so embarrassed....Will never forget that!.....
    Mum C


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