Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Friday, May 20, 2005

A brush with royalty!

It's been a few days, but we're still around. It's been an up and down week, but now that the weather has taken a turn for the better, we're looking forward to a nice long weekend.

Wednesday, was not the greatest day, but it was one of those days where amidst the stress of the day, one thing gets thrown in just to lighten you up.

Monica and I were out doing a bit of shopping. We were heading back home driving down the Lewvan. I had been noticing police directing traffic at a few intersections, but the cars they were using were school resource program cars, so I thought it was some training deal. So, I kept driving. I got up to the interesection at Sherwood Drive and Lewvan (heading south). The light was green and I was really the only car for a couple blocks, so I don't think the cop saw me to make me stop. I did notice all the incoming traffic from the West and East sides of the Lewvan were stopped, then I started thinking "what the heck is going on?" I no sooner had that thought and suddenly, I'm driving beside the Queen and Prince Philip. Monica and I ended up in their motorcade!!! We were one lane removed, but oops! Anyway, I waved at Prince Philip. The Queen's head was down. I saw her tilted hat, so I'm thinking she may have been asleep.

Anyway, only we could wander into a royal motorcade. I'm surprised my tires didn't get shot out by the police. I guess a car with 'Winnie the Pooh' window shades doesn't pose an apparent threat. Thank goodness for 'Winnie the Pooh'.

Well, that's it for interesting news, that I care to share. Monica has lost her patience, yes, once again. Have a great day everyone and a great long weekend!

-Denise & Monica


  • At 20/5/05 9:18 AM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    My word. That is so cute. Well that's a story that can be passed down thru the generations. Denise, your great, great grandchildren will talk about that...and Winnie The Pooh...or maybe, about Winnie The Pooh...they will be like...What?? The pics of Monica are cute too.

    I had a good laugh! (No! Not about the pics, the story!)

    JOKE: How come Mennonite women wear long sleeves?

    They refuse to Bare arms...

    JOKE 2: (Steinbach is a Mennonite town in this joke is a bit risque...don't you love that sounds so...I don't know...Risque...anyhow)
    Why did they build a wall around Steinbach?

    To stop the spread of Abe's...(as in Abe/Abram/Abraham is a very popular Mennonite male name. I have many Mennonite ancestors with the name Abe/Abram/Abraham. My great, great grandparents were named Abraham and Sarah Klaassen...just kidding...Abraham and Helena Klaassen(inside family joke) Ha Ha Ha. Anyways, I will quit before everyone thinks I am crazy!)...just in case anyone is wondering...Abraham and Sarah are from the Bible...not Abraham and Sarah Klaassen...anyhow...I will end for now...(phew...everyone breathes a sigh of relief...myself included)...Well my philosopy is this...Sing, sing a song...Oh wait...that's a Carpenters song, which was a big hit in 1973, going gold and hitting Number Three on the Pop Charts(Billboard)...(blah blah blah)...Have a great, great day!

    Guess who?

  • At 24/5/05 9:28 AM, Blogger Kelly, Jennelle & Matthew said…

    Cute story Denise. I thought that stuff like that only happened to me! I can almost picture your face. :-) At first blush I didn't read down far enough to the end of your entry . . . and I thought, "Lucky she wasn't taken out by a sniper." Howevr, it is good to see that Winnie the Pooh saved the day.

    Take care,


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