Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Happy 2nd Birthday, Baby Girl!

Monica with her 1st dollhouse. Posted by Picasa
Thank you Gammy and Bumpa! Posted by Picasa
A Saturday morning shopping spree. Thanks for the shoppping cart Uncle Todd, Auntie Angela, Johnny, Levi and Isaac! Posted by Picasa
Hmmm...what should I pick up first? Posted by Picasa
Zoom! Posted by Picasa
Get in there and get out...that's how I like to shop! Posted by Picasa
At this point, I was still smiling...teehee! Posted by Picasa
Assembled and ready for decorating. Posted by Picasa
The icing came out a bit brighter than I had intended, but,'s blue! Posted by Picasa
The fine tuning begins. Posted by Picasa
Isn't he cute?! Posted by Picasa
He looks like how I feel...tired! Posted by Picasa

Monica is.....2!!!!!

Yup, October 9th is the big day. I can't believe how fast the past 2 years have gone. I'm sure I'll be saying this repeatedly on the occasion of every birthday. Still, it's amazing how much she has grown and the number things she has accomplished in her short life.

As pictured above, Monica has been enjoying her first birthday presents. She will get a few more over the next 2 days. She especially has enjoyed all the baking that I've been doing in her honour. I made a simple, 2 layer, white cake on Thursday for birthday party number 1. I just completed the BIG cake. The Blue's Clues cake really puts the first cake to shame. However, Monica may have had her fill of cakes. She is not throwing a temper tantrum over not being able to eat this latest cake.

Other than that, my home daycare is doing great. I'm really enjoying all of the children and they seem to love coming here. I am, of course, extremely tired by the end of the week, but I still look forward to seeing the children, again. Monica is not sure whether she should be happy or sad when they come and go. She is certainly having difficulty adjusting to sharing her mom and her things. All in all, though, she is enjoying the company of other children, but I could do with a few less temper tantrums! Did I mention she's 2?

Well, that's about all for now. I'll just ask again, for anyone who did not receive my prayer request email, that everyone keep my cousin in Scotland, Brian, in their prayers. He is in the hospital recovering from a terrible car accident. From the news we are receiving, he is still in a coma and has gone through surgery. Now, the doctors are waiting to see when and how he will come out of the coma. Please pray that he makes it ok.

Take care, everyone...God Bless!

-Denise & Monica

P.S. Happy Birthday, Brian D., on the 11th (or is it the 13th...hehe)! Happy Birthday, Megan, on the 29th!