Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

They say it's my birthday...yesterday.

Yep, I'm another year older. Hard to believe. Time just keeps on tickin', tickin', tickin'....

We had a little party at Grammy and Grampa's house. All the regulars were in attendance. We kinda combined Todd's b-day in there, as well, but we will acknowledge his big day, again, on Friday. So, how did he luck out on all the attention? I guess you have to be REALLY old to get that much birthday time.

Monica gave me a card that she signed herself. Thank you, baby girl! Grammy and Grampa gave me a shopping card for Wal-mart. Woo hoo! More time and money I can spend in that store! Thank you very, very much! And, Auntie Angela, Uncle Todd, Johnny, Levi and Isaac gave me (and Monica, as it works out) a pass to the leisure centres. This will come in very handy on our excursions to the pool. Thank you very, very, very much!

We have an exciting day planned for today, but I'll report about that tomorrow or the next day. Hopefully, we'll have pictures to share. I think the best part of this blog is being able to share all the new pictures (with a little help from our resident photographer, Uncle Todd...he always comes through for us!).

Have a great Sunday, everyone. Enjoy the beautiful weather! Watch, now it's gonna rain...

-Denise & Monica

* thanks for the happy birthday wish, Megan!


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