Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Thanks Uncle Todd!

Well, it's hard to get a good shot of all 4 of 'em, but not a bad job, Todd. Thanks for emailing them to me. You know you can almost see the future in those photos. Oh the trouble they'll get up to together. Though it's nice to know that they will grow up together and become good friends...I hope.

So, the only reason for this post is to share those new pictures. Nothing worthy of mentioning happened today. I did forget to mention in my last couple posts about our trip to Mosaic. Grammy, Grampa, Monica and I made an appearance at the Scottish Pavillion on Thursday night. Oh yea, Johnny and Levi were in tow, as well. Monica seemed to enjoy herself. She liked the highland dancers, which is good since I'm planning on enrolling her in highland dancing as soon as she's old enough. She also got a few spoonfuls of my frozen yogurt. Lucky duck!

We only went to the one pavillion. I figured that would be enough for Monica. We did stay quite a good length of time. We left after the Wa-wa Shriners came through with their bagpipes. Monica watched in disbelief. I'm sure she was wondering why in heaven's name would anyone want to listen to such a noise? It sure makes her crying seem like a whisper.

Ok, so that is all. Hope everyone survived their Monday. The rest of the week should just fly by, right?

Oh yea, I also forgot to mention in my last post that we missed you, Brian (and Leanne, of course), on Saturday night, but I understand. It's always more important to spend time with your family when you get the chance. Cameron, however, was pretty broken up about it. He stopped crying by about 9:00pm and was able to put on a brave face. I tell ya, though, that "Rainy Days and Mondays" song really got him down. Tee hee! I warned you Cameron, we only make fun of the ones who are not here to defend themselves. You are gone, right?

-Denise & Monica


  • At 6/6/05 7:24 PM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    Not gone yet...


  • At 6/6/05 7:36 PM, Blogger Denise said…

    Yeesh, you could give a person warning. So, what's the hold up on your departure?

  • At 6/6/05 11:42 PM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    I leave tomorrow at Lunch time, if you MUST know...anyways, wish me a safe journey...


  • At 7/6/05 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I put comments under both of the latest pictures about an hour ago but *0 comments* is still showing..That`s unusual..
    Mum C

  • At 7/6/05 11:46 AM, Blogger Denise said…

    Reload the page. It shows comments for me. I read them about an hour ago too.

  • At 7/6/05 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My mistake..All is okay now..
    See you both later..
    Mum C

  • At 30/7/05 8:41 AM, Blogger Brian Dechief said…

    Cool. Cameron told me a while ago about you posting how "devastated" he was that I didn't come to the party. I finally found the posting!!! Yay.



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