Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy 8 Month Birthday, Monica!

Yes, it's hard to believe, but our little Monica is now 8 months old. If this is how fast 8 months flies by, I can't imagine how fast it will be until I'm watching her run off to school for the first time. You really have to enjoy every second because it's gone in a flash.

Monica has become quite the little character. She loves to give cheezy grins to everyone she meets. She's pretty proud of those two front teeth of hers. I think it's safe to say that she is truly the cutest 8 month old baby girl, ever. Well, at least since Mum-mum and Auntie Angela were 8 months old (oh, can't forget Grammy). And that, quite frankly, is ions ago. Which reminds me, I have another birthday coming up.

So, yesterday... I know you're all waiting for the report on how my trip to the dentist went. Well, surprisingly, no cavities. The cleaning took a little longer than usual, but it has been a full year since my last one and, well, I haven't been very diligent with my brushing and flossing. As I told one of the hygentists I work with, I've come to find that flossing is the biggest waste of time...;)!

I did have to have a filling replaced, so this meant the dreaded needle. I am convinced that Mike (Dr. Mike) used the largest carpule he could find and took his sweet merry old time injecting it. No, I am not the greatest patient in the world. I now have an appointment with the periodontist to see about having a graft done. Yay! I have recession in the 31/41 area (my two lower front teeth) which has gotten quite bad, so I'm off for gum surgery. This is one of those times when I wish I didn't know as much as I know about the world of dentistry. Sometimes you just prefer not to know what they're going to do to you.

And so, on to another day. The weather is supposed to pick up for the weekend, so hooray for that. Monica and I have been missing our walks. Now, will the nice weather stick around this time? I'm thinking not, but we can only hope.

Well, have a great day everyone! Happy 8 month birthday, again, to baby Monica!

-Denise & Monica


  • At 9/6/05 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, I have to agree that Mum-mum and Auntie Angela were cute 8 month old babies too, Monica...In fact at the moment, you are the spitting image of both your Mum-mum and Auntie and little Levi!! Wow! Have a happy 8 month old Birthday..


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