Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Another new post...when???

Well, I can't say for sure when I will have time to return to this blog. I have many pictures to share, but just lack the time right now. So, here is a quick post.

We had a great time in Edmonton with Gammy, Bumpa, Auntie Angela, Johnny, Levi and Isaac. Monica picked up many new stuffed toys and a Halloween costume for this year. She will be Mickey Mouse. She is on a Mickey Mouse kick, so I thought..."What the hay?!" Thanks to Cameron for his help at the Disney Store. I also got her a great shirt, which Auntie Angela pointed out. It says..."Trouble is my business and business is good!" That says it all.

So, why have I been absent from my blog? Well, as you all know, I have been working on setting up a home daycare. This has taken up a lot of my time and energy. Not to mention, being a full time mom has its demands. Still, I am pleased to announce that I have all of my spots filled!!! I have one 3 year old girl, a 2 year old boy, and two one year old boys.

Sound like enough? Well, the one girl is only here in the mornings and 2 of the boys are only 3 days a week. So, it will all balance itself out. It's nice the way they are all starting. Yesterday, was the little girl's first day. At the end of October, the next 2 will start and then at the end of November the last (but not the least. He's actually Monica's favorite of the bunch! She talks about him at least once a day!) boy starts. It will be nice to have the time to get to know each of the children, instead of having them all starting at once. It will be a lot easier on me and on them.

Other than that, we are gearing up for the big 2nd birthday for Monica! I can't believe she is 2 already. She is becoming quite the talker. She is not only saying words, but can form sentences quite clearly. My favorite line is..."I'll show you."...used whenever she thinks you are too dumb to know what she just said. Most times, we know exactly what she just said, only thing is, it is something she is either not allowed to do or has done about a million times and should give it a break!

Monica and I had our first game of hide-and-go-seek, this week. She started all on her own. I was making the bed and she came into the room leaned into the wall, covered her eyes and started counting to 10. Oh yea...she can count to 10! I find that amazing. She also knows quite a few of her letters. One day, she was playing with her magnetic numbers and letters and came to get me, to show me what she had done. She had the letter "O" and the number "1" together in the shape of a "P". She pointed to it and said..."P!". Now, that's crazy brilliant, if you ask me!

Well, I'm going to turn in early. I like to get as much done around the house in the morning, before anyone arrives, so that I can focus on the children without running around tackling other things at the same time. I still do have other things to do, but I try to keep them to a minimum.

Take care, everyone. I will post pictures on here soon, until then....

-Denise & Monica


  • At 12/9/06 10:27 PM, Blogger Cameron83 said…

    Yay! I get to post first. I will also have you know, I knew my way around the DISNEY store, I was singing some DISNEY songs, and playing with some of the toys, including Mickey Mouse. So I am quite proud of that achievment! But yeah, it was good to see Monica and Denise. Monica seemed happy to see me, and she recognized me which is good(althought what she thought or thinks of me, is another whole story)...glad to see you made it back to good old Regina!

    By the way if you go onto YOU TUBE, you can check out the Julie Andrews tidbit, of her singing with ELIZA DOOLITTLE(from MY FAIR LADY) and Mary Poppins (from MARY POPPINS) Julie sings with them, making a "loverly" trio singing WOULDN'T IT BE LOVERLY, CHIM CHIM CHIREE and SUPERCALIFRAGELISTICEXPIALIDOSCIOUS...that was awesome! I showed my Mom today and she was amazed(amazed that I could find my way around the computer with such skill...or amazed at Julie Andrews singing with herself, and herself)...I think I will close for now.

    Good luck on your Babysitting Endeavor! Here is a piece of advice for you...JUST A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR HELPS THE MEDICINE GO DOWN, THE MEDICINE GO DOWN...


  • At 13/9/06 3:06 PM, Blogger Megan said…

    Wow Denise!! I can't handle one child in my car for 15 minutes let alone a group of them all day!! That takes talent!

    Also, I always knew Monica would be super-intelligent!

  • At 13/9/06 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We wish you well in this new venture...home daycare. Dad and I are very proud of you.
    I liked your piece of advice for Denise, Cameron. *A spoonful of....*
    You`ll see another change in Monica when you are home this Christmas, Megan.


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