Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Today started out on the blah side of the weather scale, but it ended up being a decent day. I would even venture to say that it was quite warm when the sun was out. Could this be the beginning of good things to come? Oh, we can only hope! We want to get out for our walks again.

Today we did some shopping, as we always do, it seems. Monica is really getting into the interesting solid foods, so we did some meal planning this morning and Miss Monica is quite excited about expanding from the plain cereals and plain veggies. None of these new foods (or the old ones for that matter) appeal to me, but I guess to the 7 month old this is like a gourmet meal.

We went out to the greenhouse today with Grammy and Grampa. Monica enjoyed looking at all the pretty flowers, until she fell asleep in her stroller. She must have been really tired since she didn't even wake up for the transfer back into the car. This almost never happens. A deep sleeper, she is not. When we got back to the house, after a short drive, we sat out on the deck and watched as Grammy and Grampa planted their flowers. Monica enjoyed sitting in her own big kid lawn chair. She even wore her hat!!!

So, I know I said I wouldn't be posting quite as much unless something interesting happened, but well here I am with news that would be interesting only to Monica and I. However, I think Monica's attempts at crawling are worthy of a mention. Even if she is mostly going backwards at the moment. I'm sure she'll soon figure out how to go forward.

Ok, it's playtime and then bedtime for us. Tomorrow we have another appointment with the Occupational Therapist. We're now seeing her once a month. More or less these appointments are to assess Monica's progress. She is a very inconsistent little girl. Each appointment has a different outcome, but hopefully this is all helping her to become more settled in her world. One thing is for sure, she is still just as demanding now as she was when we started this therapy.

And, yet again, we have a dirty diaper to deal with here. Anyone else see the correlation between me having time to spend on this blog and Monica's dirty diapers. This is a good example of how the only free time I get is when little girl is busy filling her diaper.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Have a nice week!

-Denise & Monica


  • At 30/5/05 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You look so pretty in your hat Monica.
    We all enjoyed having you along to pick out flowers for our garden..
    See you and Mum later.
    Gammy (Mum C)


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