Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Quick update

So, the moving is....going...yea, it's going. I can't wait for this week to be over.

Monday was an interesting day when I was given the keys to our townhouse, walked in and discovered it was pretty much a mess. There was no way Monica and I were going to live there. The carpets were terrible, holes and all, plus there was the distinct odour of cat and cat litter. So, that was a no go.

Luckily, I was allowed to look at two other houses and, after 2 hours, the last one was acceptable. In fact, it really needed minimal cleaning...well, that was until all my stuff arrived from storage. Everything was filthy, but I guess that's what happens after a year and a half in a storage shed.

And, so it goes...

Yesterday, I unpacked 95% of the kitchen and got that organized. I also got the livingroom and bathroom up and running. Today, hopefully, will be my last day of unpacking and organizing. I have the two bedrooms upstairs to go through and then just other odds and ends around the house. So, I'm thinking Monica and I will officially move in tomorrow.

We will be posting pictures once we're a little more settled. We hope everyone is having a great week!

-Denise & Monica


  • At 28/9/05 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ooh. Sounds like things are going fairly well. I'm looking forward to seeing it sometime soon. (I think I'll be home for a few days in about 3 weeks. I'm sure I can cause some havoc then.)


  • At 29/9/05 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, Monday was hair-raising but thankfully in the end you and Monica found a well-looked after townhouse..And it is sure looking sharp now with your decorating Denise, especially little Monica`s Winnie the Pooh playroom with TV plus DVD...Are you ever lucky, little Monica! I think you`ll really like their new home Andy..Hopefully we are all back from Saskatoon before you arrive in Regina for those few days in October..
    See you later, Denise and Monica.
    Mum (Gammy)
    We wish you both so much happiness in your new home..
    See you later...Love Mum (Gammy)

  • At 30/9/05 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 4/10/05 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No pictures yet? What's up with that? Some people pay good no hold on ok some people use up valuable time checking this site out. If ya's aint's gots the smarts ta update often, then's I's see who's gots the workin frontal lobe and who's gots no intellects.


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