Denise, Monica and Graeme, too!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Have no fear....

Monica and I are still here! I've just had NO time to update this. Have I mentioned how demanding Monica is? I've tricked her into watching "Big, Comfy Couch" (her new favorite show), so I now have 2, mmm, maybe 5 minutes MAX! Well, here we go....

The problem with updating so infrequently is that I can't remember a darn thing we've done. We've been busy, but I need to start jotting things down.

We did make it out to the beach last week with Auntie Angela, John, Levi, Isaac, Vanessa and Logan. It was a very nice and hot day, and the last day of summer holidays for the school kids, so the beach was packed. Monica attempted sitting on the sand and she did, but well, it was a short lived attempt. However, she did not burst into tears this time. Yay, Monica!

Ok, I'm feeling the pressure here. Monica has given up on "Loonette the Clown" and is now sitting at my feet. Oh boy....

We said a sad, but exciting, farewell to our good friend Megan last weekend. She is off to start her new job in England! Good luck, Megan! We miss you, but we're very happy for you. Just watch out for those wacky round abouts. By the way, how's the driving going?

Monica is really, really crawling now. Walking is just around the corner, I fear. She's pulling herself to standing, AND can even stand on her own. The longest she has stood without support, I think, is around 30 seconds. Last night, she was standing and pulling up her pants. Very cute. I wish I would have had my camera.

We're looking forward to our trip up to Yorkton, this weekend. It's going to be almost like another family reunion. We're all heading up there to attend this year's "Dr. Brian's Friends for Life Dog Walk". The Yorkton S.P.C.A. holds one every year in memory of Uncle Brian who was a veterinarian in Yorkton. He died in a car accident, while on a call, 10 years ago, so this year's dog walk is extra special to all of us. It will be nice to all be there together.

One good thing about long waits between blog postings is the new pictures. I've also inserted a video of Monica standing and yelling at the tv. Turn down your speakers a bit...she can get loud! It's a bit dark, but Grammy and Grampa must be conserving energy since they have nothing brighter than 10 watts in any of their lamps...tee hee! My godmother, Paulette, should recognize the video, as she was over visiting that evening.

Enjoy your to you soon, but maybe not too soon!

-Denise & Monica

*I may have to change the settings on the commenting since, as you will see, I have been spammed for the first time. Please, don't click on any of the links that have been posted.


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